Most services of this bus travel from route 220x - Ovens to Grand Parade (city library) and then along South Mall, Parnell Place, Old Station Rd, (inwards via Eglinton St, Albert Quay, Angelsea St) Southern Link Rd, South Ring Rd, N28, Cork Rd, Main St Carrigaline Middle, R612, Lower Rd, Crosshaven village.
Bishop Lucey Park, The English Market, City Council, South Terrace, Ballintemple, Victoria University Hospital, Shannon Park, Janeville, West Avenue, Carraig Glen, Carraig na Curra, Heron's Wood, Oakdene, Ballinrea Rd, Glenwood, Ferndale, Heather Grove, Carraigaline Middle, Carraigaline, Kilnagerly Business Park, Carragiline Industrial Park, Pepsi Ireland, Brook Wood, Drake's Pool, The Glen, Watermeadow, Crosshaven Village.
Bus route map
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Related information
Cork city bus details - for timetable links and other routes.